Pipes & Drums Harps, Dancing. items, commencing after Lunch.
Posted 9 years, 6 months ago 0 comments
Pipes & Drums Harps, Dancing. items, commencing after Lunch.
Posted 10 years, 1 month ago 0 comments
Gudeday folks
No we have not disappeared just changed some directions here and there.
Still online at
But if you like we will be at Paeroa Tattoo this Saturday,
the 14th February
Come see us for a catch up please.
Want ANYTHING Celtic then try us first. price wise we wont be beaten
What have we been up too, see below
Well afraid I had a real problem looking at computer screens all day plus I decided I had to be in amongst more people and help those with mental health issues and addictions SO i am back at work. studied at Wintec and now do just that. Look out for our deals on facebook as well
Bob the piper
Posted 11 years, 2 months ago 0 comments
It's almost time to pull a cracker or two!
Last safe posting date for Xmas orders is Friday...courier
More bargains go here
And of course after the year end its time to think of holidays, look at this our special to Scotland and Cape Breton (with Iceland on the way) is on again next year.
want to know more about anything
Phone me 0800 haggis. 424447
Wont see you all at Waipu this year, taking a break and going dancing instead, but I will be at Turakina and Paeroa.
Have a great Christmas and a super New Year
All the best from the team at Celtic Connexions
Posted 11 years, 3 months ago 0 comments
Wishing you all the best of compliments of the season.
What you really really want is painless shopping so here it is.
more next week
Bob and the Elves
Posted 11 years, 3 months ago 0 comments
Yes cant guarantee Devo, me Scottish Skiwi mate will be there but I will be at the games with lots of goodies---- Kilt belts, Glengaries and lots more items we are never restocking so come for a bargain.
And for St Andrews day a few specials.
Remember Clan Crest items make great chrissie pressies, just phone me on 0800 haggis.424447 and i can still get for you ok
We will be having an Xmas blow out soon lots of bargains
Enjoy the weekend
Posted 11 years, 4 months ago 0 comments
Yes sorry to bring you that news but its real.
And we have more bargains for you, the stock is going down.Be quick.
We can layby as well so if there is something there you want and would like to pay up get in touch.
Also we have to get a few things for people so until Xmas i can order stuff ok.Phone me 0800 haggis.
We have culled the price on our Scottish Bannockburn tour. It was getting complicated because so many different options were being asked for flights so we have taken that off...see the latest VERY SPECIAL price here
Alba gu Brath
Posted 11 years, 5 months ago 0 comments
YOU cannot escape this, the last one we will ever sell. what a bargain,want to improve your playing then this is for you,or an ideal Chrissie pressie
more bargains online,
look out soon for the last of our bagpipes and accessories stock,
Now are you a Normanite, a descendant of these brave souls that travelled with the Rev Norman Mcleod, (17 September 1780 – 14 March 1866), he was a Presbyterian minister from Scotland who led a significant settlement of Highlanders to Nova Scotia and finally to Waipu, New Zealand.
then let me have your interest now.
we are retracing these ancestors steps again next year in another tour.
full details available from me or phone me.0800 HAGGIS. I am working on the best dates to go, looks like people favour early September
Posted 11 years, 6 months ago 0 comments
A dram afore you go, range of hip flasks, click the pic to take you there
yes pick up these bargains now.last of the stock all round but plenty left yet. Remember you will not get these deals on trade me for sure and thanks to all who replied telling me their own woes about trade me.
Tour 1 now full thank you, we will have fun on that one, sounds like a great group.
Tour 2 in your hands , dont delay
Calling all you Waipu Highlanders.
Information on another trip to Cape Breton next e mail.following in the steps of the reverend Norman McLeod
Celtic Connexions Closing down SALE.
Tartan Day to Bannockburn-All go as usual
Celtic Connexions 10% off all website purchases!
Cufflinks, Tieslides and Belt Buckles
Happy New Year - Tours, Friendship and Valentine Rings
Santa Clause is coming to town
Great to be back and Christmas is Coming
Bob, Bannockburn, Boru and two Ceilidhs!
Be a part of the Scotland Homecoming 2014!