November `Goings` On 2

Posted 16 years, 1 month ago by Bob Wallace    0 comments

 The Pacific Rosebowl Festival

Wednesday 19th - Sunday 23rd November, 2008
Roger's Rose Garden, Gate 2, Hamilton Gardens

Dont miss the Scottish and Celtic performance  at Hamilton Gardens this year.

Alistair Hulett and David Rovies, two outstanding performers.

see Alistair`s web here and look at his lyrics

and David`s here



`Hamilton Caledonian Society Solo Piping Competitions`

`Hair of the Dog`

The magic`Copperkin`


`Dance Folkus`

`Lil' Ian Goodsman`

`Terri-Anna Krippner`

Ní Ghábhann Irish Dance Academy

see the programme here


Beat the recessional blues.Come for a stroll amongst the best Gardens in the World.If you have not been for a while please see the changes and massive work done.

Well done the Festival organisers



 CELTIC CONNEXIONS are one of several sponsers

remember to start shopping online.

Cheat the crowds.

go here

plus we will have a stall at the gardens during the see us.



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