Highlander 3

Posted 14 years, 9 months ago by Bob Wallace    2 comments

New new goodies have arrived again

and this time some Welsh Jewellery

see online here


May maddies. 10% off any Welsh jewellery  ordered online this weekend


Did you know - Britons believe the hills are alive with haggis.


LONDON (Reuters) - One in five people in Britain thinks that haggis, the traditional Scottish dish made from the lung, liver and heart of a sheep, is an animal that roams the Highlands, according to a survey recently.

Commissioned by the online takeaway food service Just-Eat.co.uk, the survey found that 18 percent of Britons believe that haggis is a hilltop-dwelling animal.

Another 15 percent said it is a Scottish musical instrument while 4 percent admitted to thinking it was a character from Harry Potter.

The survey questioned 1,623 people across Britain to see how well they were acquainted with traditional Scottish food.

Even 14 percent of the 781 Scottish people polled said they did not know what haggis was.I am dumfounded at that.

Have you  seen our new `bronze age `jewellery.see here


The NEW Traveller's charm (Lillbjärs picture stone) pendant
is spectacular. Another beauty from St Justin
Bronze spearhead with embossed detail on front. The runic inscription on the back translates to Venture forth, safe from harm. Black leather thong.

The design on the front of this pendant was taken from the Lillbjärs picture stone found in Stenkyrka, Gotland, Sweden. The stone is approximately 70cm high and dates back to the 8th century.

The Bronze age in Great Britain and Western Europe began over 4000 years ago in around 2000 BC. Both copper and tin were discovered,mined and fused together to form the alloy bronze,renowned for its strength and longevity.
A new bronze age is appearing from the depths of history, a revival of a bygone culture and a metal that changed lives and brought a sopistication in jewellery  that had not existed before.

Scottish Lochs Slideshow from Scottie
Over the years he built up a vast library of photographs taken around
Scotland and although a good number of them have been used to illustrate
the articles and other pages on the Rampant Scotland site, many have
remained unused. The Windows Media slide shows are allowing us to use a lot more of these and the latest addition is a slideshow of photos taken ofLoch Lomond, Loch Katrine and Loch Long. The background music has two songs
from Moira Kerr  - "Loch Lomond" and "The Water Is Wide."  To view the
slideshow, see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIfr8p6fwLQ


All the best till next time




14 years, 9 months ago
Let's just leave the English alone, they are after all an inferior breed to us Scots, infact I think that the whole idea of the Haggis being a Highland animal should be developed further just for their benefit.
There should be rumours abount the official hunting season like for ducks etc.
14 years, 9 months ago
I agree. i have been responible for spreading all these untruths.@@

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