February Goings On

Posted 16 years ago by Bob Wallace    0 comments

PRESS RELEASE: Dynamic duo of Scottish Folk touring North Island



“If you want to hear what an accordion can do in the right hands, put it in the right and left hands of Sandy Brechin - but be prepared for some surprises!”  (The Living Tradition magazine.)  Pair this seasoned performer and often ‘wild and hairy’ Scot with the inspired and energised fiddle playing of fellow Scotsman Ronan Martin and you get a powerful folk duo


Ceilidh dance and concert with two exceptional Scots musicians Sandy
Brechin and Rowan Martin.

 Where: St Andrews Church Hall, Te Aroha Street.

When: Friday 6th February, 7.30

Cost $15 Adults, $8 students, under 13 free, family concessions.

 All welcome.

Then calling all dancers


Scottish Country Dance Club

Invites you to

Come and try Scottish Country Dancing


Beginners Course

Four sessions

When: Tuesdays 3, 10, 17 and 24 February

7.15 pm—8.45 pm

Where: St Johns Church Hall, Wellington Street,

Hamilton East.

          Cost for the course: Adults $10.00

        Children (5-18)  $5.00


When: Saturday 7 March


Where: St Johns Church Hall (address as above)

          Adults $5:00 and a plate

Children $1 (must be accompanied by an adult)




If you can’t get to the beginners course or ceilidh but you want to know what Scottish Country Dancing is, come along to one of our club nights.

Tuesdays 7.15  - 9.30, March  - November.

Venue: St Johns Church Hall, Wellington St, Hamilton East.



For more information contact

Sharyn  847 9934 or Jill 853-9553

And then to

Paeroa Tattoo on the Feb 14th

See the poster please



tattoo poster 2009.doc


Life is busy

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