Clan Gatherings and things

Posted 16 years, 5 months ago by Bob Wallace    0 comments

For photos of  Auckland Tartan Day, go to,

and view "Were you there".   Thanks to   Murdock McDonald for the contribution.

and coming up soon is



4th OCTOBER 2008


Dear fellow Clansmen,

Our luncheon gathering this year is to be held at the Union Church Hall Cnr of Bryce and Queen Streets in Cambridge, and hosted by CLAN FRASER. who have no representation in the North Island have been invited to host this day. Alistair Fraser, the Clans Commissioner along with Ross Fraser, Secretary and Editor will be travelling up from Christchurch to be with us. Their intention is to have CLAN FRASER fully represented at all our events, so if you know of any FRASERS , I ask you to make it your business to invite them along.


I remind you too, as to why this day was set up 15 years ago. It was to promote our Scottish Heritage around our district, promote and support the forming of new Clans, and along the way increase each of our clans membership. I urge you to use this opportunity to promote your Clan, pick up a phone book, canvass the area, include Hamilton, invite all of your fellow clansmen to attend this day.


10.30 : Assemble ( with banners ) on the Green opposite the town clock, main street.

11.15 : Enter Hall, ( $ 5.00 ) entrance off Bryce Street. luncheon plates to kitchen.

11.45 : Clan Representatives piped into hall, welcome by CLAN FRASER.

12.15 : Haggis ceremony.

12.30 : Lunch.

1.15 : Concert. Noel Armstrong M.C.

Varied items to keep you entertained until afternoon tea at app 3.30.

( bring your dancing shoes )

All correspondence to: David McLachlan


P.O.Box 5442 Frankton, Hamilton. 07 8298440, cell. 027 2797128.


 Your  support is appreciated

Advance notice

From the Waipu Caledonian Society:


Clan Donnachaidh / Robertson was drawn by Chief Pipe Major Bain McGregor from eight candidates as the Host Clan for the 2009 Waipu Games, and will take the prime position in the Avenue of Clans and honoured in the two marches during the Games plus promoted in our publicity.,More soon


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